How to Treat Hair Algae and Vertmetid Snails on Montipora Corals and Enhance Color 

Montipora corals are a favorite among reef enthusiasts due to their vibrant colors and unique growth forms. However, these beautiful corals can sometimes become overrun with hair algae, a nuisance that not only affects their appearance but also hampers their health. In this guide, we’ll explore how to effectively treat hair algae on Montipora corals and use grafting techniques to enhance their coloration and overall appeal.

Understanding Hair Algae on Montipora Corals

Hair algae are filamentous algae that thrive in nutrient-rich waters with insufficient grazing or maintenance. They can outcompete corals for light and nutrients, leading to stress and tissue damage. Early detection and treatment are key to maintaining healthy Montipora colonies.

Step-by-Step Guide to Treating Hair Algae

  1. Removal of hair algae

    • Tools Needed: Tweezers, soft brushes, or coral-safe scrapers.

    • Process: Gently remove as much algae as possible without damaging the coral. Use tweezers for precision around delicate polyps.

    • Or in our case we glued a different colored monti frag over the algae and vermetid snails so it straves the algae and snails of light and nutrient.

Vermetid Snails and Hair Algae | Coral Repair #1

October 26, 2024

Vermetid Snails and Hair Algae | Coral Repair #1
