WIO - Grey Fossil Wood Stone p/kilo

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- Metallic grey stone in tower shapes. 

- Excellent stone for creating layouts with a great sense of depth.

- High impact stone with glittering effect.

- Creates a remarkable contrast with plants

- Color: Metallic grey - Texture: Highly textured, monolithic forms with sophisticated shapes

- Stone Size: Available in Mix selection from 10 to 30 cms

Shipping Info

Sent individually per kilo

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Care Instructions

- Water Hardness: May slightly raise pH and water hardness, but regular water changes are enough to keep the hardness under control.

Grey Fossil Wood - is a beautiful metallic grey stone that resembles Fossil Wood in shape and texture but in grey color. Ideal stone to create layouts with a great sense of depth and high impact.

  • Description

    Grey Fossil Wood is a unique metallic grey stone that is characterized by its monolithic forms and sophisticated rounded shapes. It is often mistaken for Fossil Wood due to its similar shape and texture, but it is actually a highly metamorphic rock that contains bands, layers, or lenses of blocky crystals such as feldspar, alternated with bands of a flat, plate-like mineral such as mica. Gneiss represents some of the most advanced stages of metamorphosis with some of the most intense temperatures and pressures.


    Grey Fossil Wood is an excellent stone for scaping, especially in creating layouts with a great sense of depth and high impact. The stone's different heights and thicknesses allow for easy paths and complex rock formations.


    Grey Fossil Wood is available in Mix selection and may slightly raise pH and water hardness. However, regular water changes are enough to keep the hardness under control.

  • Key Points

  • Characteristics

  • Usage

  • It can be used in both aquatic and terrarium environments.
  • Rinse rocks and stones with water before use. Use a brush to clean it before introducing the stones in the aquarium.
  • Avoid placing rocks directly on the glass as they can be very heavy and sharp. Instead, place substrate or our LandForms before placing the hardscape to help fix the exact stone position with more freedom.
  • Always secure the stones, especially when placing one rock on top of another, you can do so with our ScapeBound, as the top rock may move or fall during regular maintenance, harming your dwellers or even breaking the aquarium.
  • Position stones a few centimeters/inches away from aquarium glass walls to facilitate maintenance.
  • Control any alterations in pH and kH by regular water changes with osmotic or soft water, or by using a water softener if necessary.
  • Safe for fish, shrimps, and other aquatic animals


WIO - Grey Fossil Wood Stone p/kilo
$12.95 USD
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WIO - Grey Fossil Wood Stone p/kilo
$12.95 USD
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