Coral Essentials Bio Clean

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Key Features

An insoluble, inorganic binder that provides improved skimming function by binding to organic waste and thereby removing unwanted large elemental particles in the tank.  Used regularly it will help keep your marine tank water clear and clean. Basically, it makes your skimmer much more efficient in removing organic waste from your marine aquarium. Best used with the Great White Skimmer

Dosing requirements:Shake well before use. 1 drop / 100L of tank water, twice weekly.   Increase to 3-4 times weekly in a heavily stocked aquarium.

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Care Instructions

Always begin new dosing regimens slowly and increase of a few weeks if no ill side affects are noticed.

Coral Power Bio Clean

An insoluble, inorganic binder that provides improved skimming function by binding to organic waste and thereby removing unwanted large elemental particles in the tank.  Used regularly it will help keep your marine tank water clear and clean. Basically, it makes your skimmer much more efficient in removing organic waste from your marine aquarium. Best used with the Great White Skimmer


Coral essentials how to dose
